Welcome to our club!
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Our 250 members enjoy fantastic camaraderie year-round, sharing information, encouragement, and humour at riding and social events and via our website forums.
Whether you like to ride locally in eastern Ontario and western Quebec, across the continent, or around the world you'll find kindred spirits to ride with, chat with, and share your motorcycling tales with, in this club.
Wondering whether you'll fit in? Rule of thumb - if you ride a BMW that's a definite 'Yes', if you enjoy touring or adventure riding that's another definite 'Yes', and if you enjoy good food, good company, and a good laugh that's a 3rd 'Yes' and this is the club for you.
Sign up online and start your 12-month membership today, for just $35, or take advantage of our $99/3yr option.
We look forward to meeting you soon,

Fiona Brown